Welcome to Stick it 2 the Oil Company! Here you will find experimental information on hydrogen fuel cells (HHO generators), wind turbines, solar cells, solar heaters, bio-diesel and general energy conservation saving tips that anyone who likes do it yourself projects can do.

We offer experimental products to help improve fuel economy and reduce the amount of harmful emissions entering our atmosphere cause by cars and fossil fuels. We personally test each product, at length on our personal property before ever offering to the general public. Please feel free to ask any questions that may come to mind, our goal i s to help everyone that we can.


To Green or Not to Green

The topic on a lot of peoples mind is should I go “Green”? What does it mean to go “Green”? What are some benefits of going “Green”? Well, in today's world going green can be as simple as changing your light bulbs in your house to (CFL's) compact fluorescent lighting, commonly referred to as the corkscrew bulbs. In most cases people add a solar panel or two to their houses or wind turbines to help offset their electricity bills. They may even go as far as to install hydrogen fuel cells on their cars to help increase their mileage. There are however, so many more simple ideas out there some of which can be viewed at our blog. Please feel free to take a look, asked any questions or post any creative thoughts.

All of the information in this website is for information purposes only.